
Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

Read Emily Holleman Story: Cleopatra's Shadows [Historical Fiction Book]

Cleopatra's Shadows Page-turning historical fiction that reimagines the beginnings of Cleopatra's epic saga through the eyes of her younger sister.Before Caesar and the carpet, before Antony and Actium, before Octavian and the asp, there was Arsinoe. Abandoned by her beloved Cleopatra and an indifferent father, young Arsinoe must fight for her survival in the bloodthirsty royal court when her...
Title : Cleopatra's Shadows
Author : Emily Holleman
Format : Hardcover - 352 pages
Genres : Historical Fiction, Fiction
ISBN : 0316382981


Read Emily Holleman Story: Cleopatra's Shadows [Historical Fiction Book],
[[Historical Fiction Story]] ←∺⋗ Cleopatra's Shadows by Emily Holleman,
Online Historical Fiction Story ∴˜ Cleopatra's Shadows by Emily Holleman,

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